Chicken Breast & Vegetables in Foil

Chicken breast, healthy protein, restores muscles and is a dieter’s staple! But Chicken is boring! On its own, it tastes like nothing!

Chicken is however an important part of our family’s diet, and we eat a ton of it. I find myself in constant search of ways we can eat it. There are many recipes I try, and many concoctions of my own, some make it on the blog, and others are a flop. Today’s dinner, was a success! And therefore, I find myself sharing it with you tonight!

Chicken Breast & Vegetables in Foil

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Dairy Free “Buttery” Saffron Basmati Rice

I was bored with the traditional rice recipe I make at home. Normally, I brown dry pieces of angel hair pasta in butter, add the a calrose style rice and cook like you would a normal white rice. Everyone loves it, it fills the house with a beautiful aroma, but I needed something new.

Saffron contains several plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to have been anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties Continue reading

Kale Shake, For Mornings When I want to Cuddle a Little Longer. 

Sometimes I sleep in an extra 5 minutes, ok maybe 15 minutes, and sometimes I just want to cuddle! I love to cuddle! It gives me a moment to thank God for my many blessings, and to pause and remember what is truly important in my life.

 Ok, after my moment of peace Iget up in a mini panic, I have now throws off my entire schedule! I love having breakfast with my family, honestly it is the best part of the day, but when we are in a rush, it needs to be quick, healthy, filling and easy!

I struggle to find green shakes that everyone will enjoy, something about them being green that bothers people. As if I would hide veggies in there 😉

Kale is great for aiding in digestion and elimination with its great fiber content. It’s also filled with so many nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium and other great vitamins listed here. Continue reading

10 min Haddock , Anyone Can!

Ok, let me start by saying; If I can do this, anyone can!

Today I had two kids doing activities on the kitchen table while another was strapped to me in a baby carrier for most of the prep, to top it all off, I’m clumsy!

I was at the doctor’s (The best pediatrician ever!) with my son the other day, and she asked if I had a good haddock recipe, I do… and I thought I had posted it, but I hadn’t. She reminded me that I had two large pieces in my freezer (I usually buy them from Costco, there is more than enough there for two meals). I moved them to my fridge last night, and they were ready to be cooked today. Continue reading

Delicious Homemade Granola

Delicious, versatile, homemade Granola. Who knew it was this easy?! 

When I opened the fridge early this morning, I realized I didn’t have any eggs. No eggs! Children and a husband to feed! What will I do?  In a moment of despair, I almost reached for the usual ‘run out of the house, and eat in the car’ granola bar, banana and milk.

I had never thought of making granola myself before, the idea seemed scary. But today, well today I decided to try to make my own granola, and it was amazing! The beauty of it all, it was effortless, and the entire house smelled delicious just as the rest of the family was getting up.

Trust me you want to try this!

Don’t forget to let me know how it turned out for you.

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Truth & Lies About Zucchini “Fries”


Truth & Lies About Zucchini “Fries”

French fries, just thinking of them makes me salivate, so of course the idea of there being a healthy alternative is so enticing! But is there a truth to healthy “fries” such as the baked Zucchini fries that so many of my friends have shared on facebook? Don’t be upset friends, you weren’t the only ones. Hundreds of thousands of people have shared this recipe and so I knew I had to try it. Let me start by saying, I love zucchini. Continue reading

Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookie

I love recipes that can be modified, and this is a perfect one.

As you know I have a new obsession with chocolate, and I love eating chocolate chip cookies, especially when I am hungry! Which is terrible since I always eat a minimum of three before I start to feel guilty. So I tried a few variations of my favourite cookie, and have come up with this one;

Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookie

Prep 20 min  Cook 15 minutes  Yields 12-18 cookies

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